

Pievienojoties Pasaules saprātigajai daļai, Latvijas Sporta deju federācija nosoda Krievijas īstenoto militāro agresiju pret Ukrainu, tās neatkarību un teritoriālo nedalāmību, pārtrauc sadarbību ar Krievijas un Baltkrievijas sporta organizācijām un sportistiem, pārtrauc līdzdalību šīs valsts organizētajos sporta pasākumos un aktivitātēs. 

LSDF Prezidents
Vito Feldmanis

Dear Members, 
You will all be aware of several statements from the International Olympic Committee regarding the recent breach of the Olympic Truce by the Russian and Belarusian governments.
They include specific measures for Olympic Movement stakeholders to adopt “to protect the integrity of global sports competitions and for the safety of all the participants” during what the IOC has called “a dilemma which cannot be solved.” 
As an integral part of the Olympic community and a full participant at the Olympic Games Paris 2024, the World DanceSport Federation wishes to make it clear that it continues to support all current and future IOC guidance with regard to the attack on the Ukraine.
In this respect, we wish to advise members of an extraordinary meeting of the WDSF Presidium held last night where the following motion was passed unanimously:
1. the World DanceSport Federation (WDSF) will relocate or cancel its sports events currently planned in Russia or Belarus; 
2. the Russian and Belarusian national flags and anthems will be prohibited in international sports events granted by the WDSF that are not already part of the respective World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) sanctions for Russia; 
3. the WDSF will not grant any Championship or other competition that might be held in Russia or Belarus unless the WDSF has clear direction with respect thereto from the IOC; and
 4. the WDSF will not invite or allow the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials in international competitions granted by the WDSF. The motion will remain in place for the foreseeable future. The WDSF once again expresses its solidarity with the sports community in the Ukraine and all those affected by the war. 

Best Regards,
 Shawn Tay
 WDSF President