Solo 2013 y. and young. 2 dances
Latvijas čempionāts ST

# Names Country Club
1. Roberta Ķēde The license has expired: 01.03.2025 Latvia Sara
2. Marta Stepe Latvia Sara
3. Estere Nauzere Latvia Sara
4. Gabriela Krista Skeive Latvia Sara
5. Madara Ansone Latvia Aura
6. Amanda Dūniņa Latvia Sara
7. Laura Bernatoviča Latvia Sara
8. Elīna Olbika Latvia Sara
9. Gabriela Bērzkalne Latvia Sara
10. Beatrise Vecbrāle The license has expired: 01.03.2025 Latvia Aura
11. Lauma Līce The license has expired: 01.03.2025 Latvia MD Dance Studio
12. Patrīcija Balandina Latvia Sara
13. Kārlis Zēbolds Latvia Ventspils
14. Dārta Jaunbruna Latvia Darja DS
Registration is finished