Juvenile II E4 LC
Jaunmārupe 2023

# Names Country Club
1. Mihail Melnic / Megija Mahere The license has expired: 01.03.2025 Latvia Lielupe
2. Klāvs Olands / Viktoria Melnic The license has expired: 01.03.2025 Latvia Lielupe
3. Haralds Greiers / Beatrise Krastiņa Latvia Lielupe
4. Gothards Rudusāns / Alīna Bortkeviča Latvia Lielupe
5. Klāvs Šenbergs / Lorena Stankus Latvia Lielupe
6. Ronalds Mārtiņš Ogsts / Alise Olīvija Černova The license has expired: 01.03.2024 Latvia Smolko deju studija
7. Artjoms Škuratovs / Martina Petruse Latvia Ziemeļblāzma
8. Karl-Erik Laanesoo / Tatjana Lissovskaja Estonia Prestige/Emotion
9. Toms Čārlzs Grabovskis / Polina Ivanitska The license has expired: 01.03.2024 Latvia MD Dance Studio
10. Krists Džou / Patrīcija Vanka The license has expired: 01.03.2024 Latvia Vērdiņš
11. Guļko Artjoms / Alisa Evtušenka Ukraine Viva
12. Roberts Zuters / Emīlija Andersone The license has expired: 01.03.2025 Latvia Zīle
13. Ņikita Vinogradovs / Ieva Mitrofanova The license has expired: 01.03.2025 Latvia Zīle
14. Olivers Bilerts / Māra Mauliņa The license has expired: 01.03.2025 Latvia Aura
15. Aleksandrs Solomevičs / Eva Demidova The license has expired: 01.03.2025 Latvia TopDance
16. Kristaps Verza / Polina Namikina Latvia Amber Jūrmala
17. Mairis Ančs / Valērija Aleksejeva Latvia Balvu SS
18. Henrijs Berjozovs / Beāte Dortāne The license has expired: 01.03.2025 The club's license has expired: 01.03.2025 Latvia Balvu SS
19. Vladislavs Birjukovs / Samanta Vēvere The license has expired: 01.03.2024 Latvia Viva
20. Artjoms Afanasjevs / Kristiāna Laizāne The license has expired: 01.03.2025 Latvia Viva
Registration is finished
View event

Beginning 9:00, Registration 7:45-8:30

Beginning 11:15, Registration 10:00-10:45

Beginning 12:30, Registration 11:00-12:00

Beginning 14:45, Registration 13:15-14:15

Beginning 17:30, Registration 16:00-17:00

Beginning 19:00, Registration 17:30-18:30

Beginning 9:30, Registration 8:15-9:00

Beginning 11:00, Registration 9:30-10:30

Beginning 13:00, Registration 11:30-12:30

Beginning 15:00, Registration 13:30-14:30

Beginning 17:00, Registration 15:30-16:30

Beginning 19:00, Registration 17:30-18:30